Oct 4, 2018

Parkinson’s Disease - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, And Cure

Parkinson’s Disease - Overview

The human brain controls all the actions in the human body. Our eyes blink, and our heart pumps blood as a result of the messages sent by the brain. But how do these messages reach the parts of the body? This is where the nerves play a crucial role. 

The nervous system transmits messages to and from different parts of the body to the brain and vice versa. Minor damage to the nervous system can cause the functions of our body to turn topsy-turvy. There are a lot of nervous system disorders, and Parkinson's disease is one of them.

What Is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson's disease is a generative disorder that affects the nervous system over a long period of time. It mainly affects movements. The symptoms start very slowly with tremors in hand. People experience this disease at the age of sixty or older.

Oct 3, 2018

6 Best Home Remedies To Treat And Prevent A Toothache

A toothache is something everyone has experienced at least one in the lifetime. More than that, over ninety percent of adults are having some kind of tooth decay. It is a very terrible kind of pain, and it can occur anytime without any warning. The worst thing about a toothache is that it doesn’t have any kind of specific symptoms that means, it is almost impossible to predict a Toothache. 

Oral problems like a cavity, a sudden increase of bacteria because of hygiene problem and a broken tooth can cause pain in the teeth (a toothache), and this pain can make a person's life very miserable. There are various remedies for a toothache and most of them are very simple and effective. There are so many affordable treatments that can be easily performed at home. Read Wellington Dentist’s 6 Best Home Remedies to Cure Toothache. 

1. Cold Compress 

A cold compress is very effective for any kind of pain. Using an ice pack by putting it in a thin bag or wrapping it into very thin soft cloth and keeping it on aching tooth for twenty to thirty minutes will be sufficient and very effective. It can also be applied on the cheek exactly over the paining tooth. The cold compress reduces inflammation and swelling that too very quickly. Cold Compress is the most prescribed remedy by the dentists. 

6 Best Home Remedies to Treat and Prevent a Toothache
Cold Compress

2. Clove 

Clove is a spice which is used to give a special kind of taste to the meal. Clove has been treating the toothaches from ancient time. It is a natural antiseptic. It is mostly used in Ayurveda medicines to heal every kind of pain, and it is a very effective remedy for a toothache also. 

Oct 1, 2018

Dental Plaque — Causes, Consequences, Detection, And Treatment

Dental Plaque - A Brief Analysis

Tooth brushing is a daily activity carried out unconsciously in the mornings. It is an essential activity that keeps our teeth in excellent condition. Tiny particles of food that remain in gaps of our teeth and on gums cause cavities and infections. Such fragments are cleansed on thorough mouth washing and by frequently brushing.

It should be a priority to protect teeth against infections and degradations caused by microbes. Discoloration should be avoided since it makes a person lose confidence in smiling and to open mouth. Such incidents occur due to lack of brushing and accumulation of debris over a long time on the surface of teeth and gums.

This creates an environment for bacterial growth that further degrades teeth and causes other undesirable diseases.

Dental Plaque appears in any individual having negligence in oral hygiene.

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