Mar 22, 2018

Understanding the basics of cosmetic dentistry

From the subtlest of changes to major repairs, your cosmetic dentist can perform a handful of different procedures which are designed to improve your smile. A cosmetic dentist can improve chipped teeth, discolored teeth, or missing teeth. They can also reshape your teeth, change the length of your teeth, and close any spaces that exist in between your teeth. The most common procedures include veneers, contouring, bonding, bleaching, and crowns.

Beautiful Girl Smile

Mar 21, 2018

Halitosis Causes Symptoms Prevention And The Cure

Halitosis is a mouth condition that is popularly known as Bad Breath. Bad breath is a condition wherein unpleasant odor can be noticed by the patient experiencing the said phenomena. Bad breath can be associated with many things from obvious mouth maintenance reasons to rather far-fetched conditions – even depression can be attributed to bad breath.

Bad breath can affect you not just physically but also mentally as this condition may trigger anxiety in you. Furthermore, bad breath is actually the third most common concern that people bring to the dentist.
Halitosis Causes Symptoms Prevention And The Cure
Halitosis Or Bad Breath


Halitosis or bad breath can be associated with many things and to further facilitate things, these cases can be classified into two divisions. There are two known cases of bad breath or Halitosis, namely genuine and non-genuine.

Genuine bad breath refers to the cases wherein the bad breath is caused by a condition of the mouth. Genuine bad breath accounts for 85% of the cases and can be caused by poor dental hygiene, plaque build-up, a rotten tooth, and more.

On the other hand, non-genuine cases are attributed to disorders in the lungs, sinuses, and other parts internal parts of the body. More specifically, non-genuine halitosis can be caused by common colds and cough, acid reflux, and many more.

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