Nature has been earnestly unfair to women, gynecologically, since the beginning of times. It is tremendously hard to cope with the dilemma that the females encounter as they mature. Few of the obstacles that they face include the pre-menstrual syndrome due to hormonal imbalance, scarce or severe bleeding during menstrual periods, and inducing labor for child delivery before the expected date due to certain pregnancy complications. Other obstetric issues include surgical c-section if natural childbirth does not occur on a due delivery date or if the baby’s position in the uterus is not accurate for the natural delivery, difficulty in conceiving, and complications that women encounter at times after childbirth.
It is, therefore, the responsibility of every female (a girl before puberty, a menstruating woman, or an elderly), even the healthy ones, to have a complete gynecological exam, at least once annually, to ask questions over health concerns and discuss changes that have occurred over a certain time span.